public enum FunctionCategory : System.Enum
public enum class FunctionCategory : public System.Enum
Member | Value | Description |
Accessories | 11401 | Accessories |
AnalogSensor | 605 | Analog sensors |
Antenna | 430 | Antenna |
AreaDefinition | 16000 | Area definition |
ArticleDefinitionPoint | 10 | Article definition point |
ArticlePlacement | 8 | Article placements |
Blackbox | 1303 | Black box |
BlackboxFluid | 6003 | Black box for Fluid |
Brake | 1101 | Brakes |
BreatherFilterHYP | 5102 | Breather filter |
Busbar | 1304 | Busbar |
BusBarDefText | 1305 | Busbar definition text |
Cable | 400 | Cable |
CabMech19Inch | 15105 | 19" expansion technique |
CabMechBodyAccessoryInside | 15102 | Body accessory inside |
CabMechBusBar | 15500 | Busbar |
CabMechCabinet | 15000 | Cabinet |
CabMechConduit | 15101 | Conduit |
CabMechHousing | 15100 | Housing |
CabMechInterlockingsystem | 15103 | Interlockingsystem |
CabMechRoutingAccessory | 15106 | Routing accessory |
CabMechSystemAccessory | 15104 | System accessory |
CabVirtAuxiliaryElement | 16002 | Auxiliary element |
CabVirtBusbarsystem | 15550 | Busbarsystem |
CabVirtCopperbundle | 15530 | Copperbundle |
CabVirtNC | 16001 | NC-Processing |
Capacitor | 1201 | Condensers |
ChangeOverContact | 203 | Change-over switch |
ChangeOverContactHook | 5 | Change-over switch hook |
CheckValveHYP | 5202 | Check valve |
CircuitBreaker | 506 | Circuit breaker |
Coil | 200 | Coil |
CoilAdditionalTerminal | 6 | Coil additional connections |
CompressorHYP | 5002 | Compressor |
ConnectorDefText | 103 | Plug definitions |
Controller | 1206 | Controller |
ControlValve | 5903 | Control valve/screw connection |
Converter | 801 | Converter |
Coupler | 1209 | Coupler |
CurrentCircuitBreaker | 504 | Earth-leakage circuit breaker |
DataRecorder | 903 | Data recorder |
DeviceEndTerminal | 1302 | Device connections |
DeviceEndTerminalFluid | 6002 | Device connections for Fluid |
Diode | 1207 | Diode |
DirectionalControlValveHYP | 5200 | Directional control valve |
Discharger | 507 | Discharger |
DisplayDevice | 904 | Display device |
Distributor | 5900 | Distributor/link |
DistributorOrConnector | 11400 | Distributor / connector |
ElectroDistributor | 1400 | Electro distributor |
FixedDisplacementPump | 5000 | Fixed displacement pumps |
FlowControlValveHYP | 5203 | Flow control valve |
FluidAccessories | 5901 | Fluid power: Accessories |
FluidAccumulator | 5400 | Fluid power: Accumulator |
FluidAcousticalSignalDevice | 5601 | Fluid power: Signal device, acoustic |
FluidController | 5105 | Fluid power: Controller |
FluidCylinder | 5500 | Fluid power: Cylinder |
FluidDataRecorder | 5603 | Fluid power: Data recorder |
FluidFilter | 5401 | Fluid power: Filter |
FluidGeneralDevice | 5504 | Fluid power: Actuators, general |
FluidHeatExchanger | 5503 | Fluid power: Heat exchanger |
FluidHeating | 5502 | Fluid power: Heating |
FluidLogicalItem | 5104 | Fluid power: Logic item |
FluidMeasuringInstrument | 5602 | Fluid power: Measuring instrument |
FluidMotor | 5501 | Fluid power: Fluid motor |
FluidOperatingElement | 5103 | Fluid power: Operating element |
FluidOpticalSignalDevice | 5600 | Fluid power: Signal device, optical |
FluidPlugInConnector | 5902 | Fluid power:Plug-in connector |
FluidSeparator | 5402 | Fluid power: Separator |
FunctionalFunction | 9 | Functional function (software) |
FunctionalPlacement | 11 | Functional placement |
Generator | 701 | Generators |
HallGenerator | 1211 | Hall generator |
Harness | 22 | Harness |
Heating | 1002 | Heaters |
Inductivity | 1202 | Inductances |
Invalid | 0 | |
IsolatingTerminal | 104 | Separation clamps |
Lamp | 1001 | Lamp |
LevelDetector | 606 | Level detector |
LightBarrier | 602 | Light barriers |
LineFilterHYP | 5100 | Line Filter |
LogicalItem | 1205 | Logic item |
MeasuringInstrument | 902 | Measuring instruments |
MeasuringRecorder | 902 | Recorder |
Motor | 1000 | Engines |
MotorOverloadSwitch | 502 | Protective switchgear of an engine |
MountingPlate | 7 | Mounting plates |
NcContact | 202 | Opener |
NoContact | 201 | Normally open contact |
OpenConnectionEnd | 15 | Opened (isolated) connection end |
Overload | 501 | Automatic circuit breaker |
Packet | 5800 | Packet |
PhaseBar | 1306 | Phase bar |
PiezoElectricCrystal | 1210 | Piezo Electric Crystal |
PLCBox | 301 | PLC boxes |
PLCBoxFluid | 6201 | PLC boxes for Fluid |
PLCTerminal | 300 | PLC connections |
PLCTerminalFluid | 6200 | PLC connection for Fluid |
Plug | 101 | Plug |
PressureControlValveHYP | 5201 | Pressure control valves |
PressureIntensifierHYP | 5204 | Pressure intensifier |
ProcesDryer | 10107 | Dryer |
ProcessAllocator | 11102 | Allocator |
ProcessBackStrokeArmature | 10902 | Back stroke armature |
ProcessBlackBox | 11306 | Black box (process engineering) |
ProcessCentrifuge | 11200 | Centrifuge |
ProcessChimney | 11301 | Chimney |
ProcessCompressor | 10501 | Compressor |
ProcessControlFitting | 10904 | Control fitting |
ProcessConveyor | 10601 | Conveyor |
ProcessCooler | 10103 | Cooler |
ProcessDeviceConnectionPoint | 11305 | Device connection point (process engineering) |
ProcessElectrolysisCell | 11302 | Electrolysis cell |
ProcessEvaporator | 10105 | Evaporator |
ProcessExtractorHood | 11303 | Extractor hood |
ProcessFilter | 10200 | Filter |
ProcessForm | 11101 | Form |
ProcessFourWayFitting | 10905 | Four-way fitting |
ProcessHeatExchanger | 10102 | Heat exchanger |
ProcessHoister | 10600 | Hoister |
ProcessIncreaser | 10502 | Increaser |
ProcessKneader | 10402 | Kneader |
ProcessLockArmature | 10900 | LockArmature |
ProcessMainEngine | 10800 | MainEngine |
ProcessMeasuring | 10701 | Measuring |
ProcessMisc | 11304 | Miscellaneous |
ProcessMixer | 10400 | Mixer |
ProcessOven | 10106 | Oven |
ProcessPiping | 11000 | Piping |
ProcessPump | 10500 | Pump |
ProcessSafetyControlValve | 10903 | Safety control valve |
ProcessScales | 10700 | Scales |
ProcessSeparator | 10201 | Separator |
ProcessShredder | 11100 | Shredder |
ProcessSieve | 10202 | Sieve |
ProcessSifter | 11103 | Sifter |
ProcessSorter | 11104 | Sorter |
ProcessSpinExtractor | 11201 | Spin extractor |
ProcessSteamBoiler | 10104 | Steam boiler |
ProcessStirer | 10401 | Stirer |
ProcessStorage | 11300 | Storage |
ProcessThreeWayArmature | 10901 | Three way armature |
ProcessTransporter | 10602 | Transporter |
ProcessVacuumPump | 10503 | Vacuum pump |
ProcessVentilator | 10504 | Ventilator |
ProcessVessel | 10000 | Vessel |
ProcessVesselCoating | 10100 | Vessel coating |
ProcessVesselPipeQueue | 10101 | Vessel pipe queue |
ProcessVesselTerminal | 10001 | Vessel terminal |
ProtectiveCircuit | 204 | Protective circuit |
ProtectiveRelais | 503 | Protective relay |
ProximitySwitch | 603 | Reed switch |
Rectifier | 802 | Electric rectifier |
Resistor | 1203 | Resistances |
ReturnLineFilterHYP | 5101 | Return line filter |
Routing | 16100 | Routing |
SafetyFuse | 500 | Fuses |
Semiconductor | 1204 | Semiconductor |
Sensor | 604 | Digital sensors (further) |
SensorFluid | 6100 | Sensor for Fluid |
Shielding | 401 | Shieldings |
SignalDeviceAcustic | 901 | Signaling equipment (acoustic) |
SignalLamp | 900 | Signal lamps (optical) |
Socket | 106 | Socket |
Source | 700 | Voltage supplies |
StopSwitch | 601 | Limit switch mechanically |
Switch | 600 | Switch/tracer |
Terminal | 100 | Terminal |
TerminalAccessories | 105 | Terminal strip accessories |
TerminalDefText | 102 | Terminal strip definitions |
Topology | 21 | Topology routing point and routing path |
Transformer | 800 | Transformers |
Transistor | 1208 | Transistor |
Transmission | 1102 | Clutches |
Undefined | 1301 | Undefined |
UndefinedFluid | 6001 | Undefined for Fluid |
Valve | 1100 | Valves |
VariableDisplacementPumpHYP | 5001 | Variable flow pumps |
ViewPlacement | 16200 | View placement |
VoltageCircuitBreaker | 505 | Dangerous voltage protective switch |
Wire | 4 | Connections |