The EplAssert class. When the advaced mode is activated in ELogFileConfigTool, Asserts are written to the epllog.txt Its also possible to activate a debugger break. Set the registry value User / Software / Eplan / Eplan W3 / Assert / BreakOnAssert to true, and the debugger will stop at a failed assert.
public ref class EplAssert
Example of EplAssert:
object testObject = null;
Eplan.EplApi.Base.EplAssert oAssert= new Eplan.EplApi.Base.EplAssert();
oAssert.Assert (testObject != null, "The testobject must not be null!");
| Name | Description |
 | Assert | A Delevoper Assertion. When the boolean Expression fails, the debugged application fails into the debugger. Some Text is written to the EplLog.txt |