Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.Base Namespace / FileSelectDecisionContext Class / AddFilter Method
The description visible to the user, p.e. "Text files *.txt"
The filter, p.e. "*.txt"

In This Topic
AddFilter Method
In This Topic
Add a filter which files are shown. When the user selects one filter in the decider dialog, only files of this type are displayed.
public void AddFilter( 
   string strDescription,
   string strExtension


The description visible to the user, p.e. "Text files *.txt"
The filter, p.e. "*.txt"
When the strDescription is empty, the system fills it automatically. This is the description used in EPLAN when the same filter is registered there or a automatically formed one from the extensions. The filter also influence the path the file select dialog is opened first. Some of the registered extensions have a standard path. When the standard path is the same for all extensions, this standard path is used. It is possible to set a custom StandardPath with the function CustomDefaultPath.
See Also