Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel Namespace / ConnectionsFilter Class
Members Example

ConnectionsFilter Class
This class represents filter for Connection class. The ConnectionsFilter can be used as a parameter for Eplan::EplApi::DataModel::DMObjectsFinder: method. Setting more than one criterion of matching the filter, causes that returned connections must match those conditions.
Inheritance Hierarchy


public class ConnectionsFilter : AbstractDMObjectFilter 
DMObjectsFinder oFinder = new DMObjectsFinder(m_oProject);
FunctionsFilter oFuncFilter = new FunctionsFilter();
string strStartFunctionName = "=AP+ST1-XTR";
oFuncFilter.Name = strStartFunctionName;
Function[] arrFuncs = oFinder.GetFunctions(oFuncFilter);
//Assert.IsTrue(arrFuncs.Length > 0, ShowMessage("Could not find function with name: {0} !"), strStartFunctionName);
Function oStartFunc = arrFuncs[0];
//Assert.AreEqual(strStartFunctionName, oStartFunc.Name, ShowMessage("Failed to get proper function !"));
//now find connection for that function
ConnectionsFilter oFilter = new ConnectionsFilter();
oFilter.Function = oStartFunc; //is it start function or end function, does it occur with both ?
//get connections
Connection[] arrConnections = oFinder.GetConnections(oFilter);
The following example shows how to filter by user-defined properties
Project myProject = m_oProject; // A valid project
Page myPage = myProject.Pages[0]; // A valid Page object

// Define test property
MultiLangString mlsTestValue = new MultiLangString();
mlsTestValue.AddString(ISOCode.Language.L_de_DE, "Test043c");
string strPropertyIdentyfingName = "Page.Test043c";
UserDefinedPropertyDefinition oUDPD = UserDefinedPropertyDefinition.Create(myProject, strPropertyIdentyfingName, UserDefinedPropertyDefinition.Enums.ClientType.Page);

// Set test property on myPage
myPage.Properties[strPropertyIdentyfingName] = mlsTestValue;

// Search page with property value
DMObjectsFinder objFinder = new DMObjectsFinder(myProject);
PagesFilter pagesFilter = new PagesFilter();
PagePropertyList pagePropertyList = new PagePropertyList();
AnyPropertyId anyPropertyId = new AnyPropertyId(myProject, strPropertyIdentyfingName);

pagePropertyList[anyPropertyId] = mlsTestValue;
Page[] arrPages1 = objFinder.GetPages(pagesFilter);

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertySets the Function that Connections matching the filter must have as the start or the end function.  
Public Methods
Public MethodDestructor for deterministic finalization of ConnectionsFilter object. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.AbstractDMObjectFilter)
Public MethodOverridden. Resets the filter. Filter matches all Connections then.  
Public MethodSets the ConnectionPropertyList that Connections matching the filter must have.  
See Also