public enum Symbol.SymbolType : System.Enum
public enum class Symbol.SymbolType : public System.Enum
Member | Value | Description |
BoxFunction | 7 | boxed device (black box)) |
CableDefinitionLine | 9 | cable definition line |
Cabling_function | 43 | |
CablingDistribSegment | 53 | |
CablingInterruptionPoint | 39 | |
CablingRoutingFulcrum | 37 | |
CablingSegment | 38 | |
ConnectionBreakpoint | 6 | symbol to stop the auto-connecting |
ConnectionDefinition | 12 | connection definition |
ContourDefinitionPoint | 35 | |
DeletedObjectInfo | 36 | |
DrillPatternBox | 50 | |
DynamicFunction | 34 | |
DynamicRouting | 4 | routing with dynamic graphics. |
Function | 1 | normal function |
Graphic | 40 | |
HoseDefinitionLine | 52 | |
InterruptionPoint | 3 | interruption point |
LocationBox | 5 | location box |
MacroBox | 30 | |
NetDefinition | 33 | |
PacketDefinitionLine | 46 | |
Phasebar | 49 | |
Pipejunction | 42 | |
Placeholder | 32 | |
PlaConnectionDirection | 55 | |
PlaConnectionObject | 54 | |
PlanningObject | 48 | |
PLTFunction | 29 | |
PLTPlacement | 27 | |
PolygonFunction | 31 | |
PotentialDefinition | 11 | potential definition |
PotentialTerminal | 13 | potential terminal (13 was mounting panel) |
ProcessDefinition | 44 | process definition |
ProcessTerminal | 45 | process terminal |
Routing | 2 | corner piece |
RoutingBridge | 21 | t-piece bridge |
RoutingCross | 20 | t-piece cross |
Shielding | 10 | shield |
StrandConnectorAngle | 24 | bundle connector symbol L |
StrandConnectorDoubleJunction | 23 | bundle connector symbol X |
StrandConnectorStraightLine | 26 | bundle connector symbol straight I |
StrandConnectorTNode | 22 | bundle connector symbol T |
StrandDistributorTNode | 14 | connection point symbol(14 was part placement) |
StrandInterconnector | 25 | bundle inter-connector symbol T |
StructureSegment | 47 | |
TextFunction | 8 | text function |
TNodeDown | 17 | t-piece down |
TNodeLeft | 18 | t-piece left |
TNodeRight | 19 | t-piece right |
TNodeUp | 16 | t-piece up |
TubeDefinitionLine | 51 | |
Undefined | 0 | undefined |
Vessel | 28 |