public enum Properties.Connection : System.Enum
public enum class Properties.Connection : public System.Enum
Member | Value | Description |
ARTICLE_MATERIAL | 22081 | Material # 22081. |
ARTICLE_NORM | 22227 | Standard # 22227. |
ARTICLE_PIPECLASS | 22224 | Pipe class # 22224. |
ARTICLE_PRESSURELEVEL | 22226 | Nominal pressure level # 22226. |
ARTICLE_WIDTHRATING | 22225 | Nominal width # 22225. |
AUTOMATIONML_OBJECTID | 25030 | # 25030. |
CABLING_DUCT_TYPES | 20344 | Topology: Routing path types # 20344. |
CABLING_PATH | 20237 | Topology: Routing track # 20237. |
CABLING_STRUCTURE | 20245 | Topology: Structure # 20245. |
CDP_SET_AS_MANUAL | 31046 | Manually set # 31046. |
CONNECTION_ACL_COLOR | 31005 | Autoconnecting line: Color # 31005. |
CONNECTION_ACL_FACTOR | 31018 | Autoconnecting line: Pattern length # 31018. |
CONNECTION_ACL_LAYER | 31017 | Autoconnecting line: Layer # 31017. |
CONNECTION_ACL_STYLE | 31015 | Autoconnecting line: Line type # 31015. |
CONNECTION_ACL_WIDTH | 31016 | Autoconnecting line: Line thickness # 31016. |
CONNECTION_ALTERNATE_WIRECROSSSECTION | 31025 | Alternative connection cross-section / diameter # 31025. |
CONNECTION_ALTERNATE_WIRECROSSSECTION_UNIT | 31065 | Unit for alternative connection cross-section / diameter # 31065. |
CONNECTION_AUTO_ALTERNATE_WIRECROSSSECTION_WITH_UNIT | 31064 | Alternative connection cross-section / diameter with unit # 31064. |
CONNECTION_AUTO_WIRECROSSSECTION_UNIT | 31060 | Unit for connection cross-section / diameter (automatic) # 31060. |
CONNECTION_BUNDLE_GROUP | 31093 | Bundle group # 31093. |
CONNECTION_CABLEWIRE_PAIRINDEX | 31050 | Pair index # 31050. |
CONNECTION_CABLEWIRE_SHIELDEDBY | 31049 | Shielded by # 31049. |
CONNECTION_CABLING_DISTRIBUTOR | 31137 | Topology: Connection splicers passed through (sorted) # 31137. |
CONNECTION_CABLING_DISTRIBUTOR_DISTANCE | 31138 | Topology: Distance between connection splicers and source # 31138. |
CONNECTION_CABLING_PATH_PRESETTING | 31119 | Topology: Routing track specification # 31119. |
CONNECTION_CONNECTION_INDEX | 31078 | Connection index # 31078. |
CONNECTION_DAISYCHAIN_INDEX | 31077 | Daisy chain index # 31077. |
CONNECTION_DESCRIPTION | 31009 | Connection description # 31009. |
CONNECTION_DESIGNATION | 31011 | Connection designation # 31011. |
CONNECTION_DEST_CP_LENGTH | 31083 | Connection: Connection point length target # 31083. |
CONNECTION_DESTINATION | 31020 | Target # 31020. |
CONNECTION_DESTINATION_DBOBJECTID | 31161 | Object identification: Target # 31161. |
CONNECTION_DISTRIBUTORS | 31136 | Connection splicers passed through # 31136. |
CONNECTION_DOUBLE_SLEEVES_DESTINATION | 31099 | Dual sleeve prescribed at 2 targets at the target # 31099. |
CONNECTION_DOUBLE_SLEEVES_SOURCE | 31098 | Dual sleeve prescribed at 2 targets at the source # 31098. |
CONNECTION_FLOW | 31085 | Flow # 31085. |
CONNECTION_FULLFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT_AUTOMATIC | 31105 | Functional assignment (automatic) # 31105. |
CONNECTION_FULLINSTALLATIONNUMBER_AUTOMATIC | 31111 | Higher-level function number (automatic) # 31111. |
CONNECTION_FULLLOCATION_AUTOMATIC | 31103 | Location designation (automatic) # 31103. |
CONNECTION_FULLPLACEOFINSTALLATION_AUTOMATIC | 31107 | Installation site (automatic) # 31107. |
CONNECTION_FULLPLANT_AUTOMATIC | 31101 | Function designation (automatic) # 31101. |
CONNECTION_FULLPRODUCT_AUTOMATIC | 31134 | Product (automatic) # 31134. |
CONNECTION_FULLUSERDEFINED_AUTOMATIC | 31109 | User-defined structure (automatic) # 31109. |
CONNECTION_FUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT_AUTOMATIC | 31106 | Functional assignment: Main identifier (automatic) # 31106. |
CONNECTION_GROUPING | 31069 | Grouping # 31069. |
CONNECTION_HAS_CDP | 31089 | Connection definition point exists # 31089. |
CONNECTION_HAS_DISTRIBUTOR | 31139 | Connection splicers exist # 31139. |
CONNECTION_INSTALLATIONNUMBER_AUTOMATIC | 31112 | Higher-level function number: Main identifier (automatic) # 31112. |
CONNECTION_IS_CABLE | 31058 | Cable connection # 31058. |
CONNECTION_IS_PACKET | 31086 | Conduit connection # 31086. |
CONNECTION_IS_PHASEBAR | 31135 | Phase busbar connection # 31135. |
CONNECTION_IS_PIPE | 31146 | Line # 31146. |
CONNECTION_KINDOFWIRE | 31142 | Connection: Association # 31142. |
CONNECTION_LOCATION_AUTOMATIC | 31104 | Location designation: Main identifier (automatic) # 31104. |
CONNECTION_LOCATION_DESTINATION | 31022 | Target: Placement # 31022. |
CONNECTION_LOCATION_SOURCE | 31021 | Source: Placement # 31021. |
CONNECTION_MEDIUM | 31068 | Substance # 31068. |
CONNECTION_MLWIRENUMBER | 31061 | Connection: Color (multilingual) # 31061. |
CONNECTION_NET_INDEX | 31076 | Net index # 31076. |
CONNECTION_NR_DESTINATION | 31024 | Target: Target number # 31024. |
CONNECTION_NR_SOURCE | 31023 | Source: Target number # 31023. |
CONNECTION_PAGENAME | 31026 | Name of page containing connection # 31026. |
CONNECTION_PIPENAME | 31157 | Piping name # 31157. |
CONNECTION_PLACEOFINSTALLATION_AUTOMATIC | 31108 | Installation site: Main identifier (automatic) # 31108. |
CONNECTION_PLANT_AUTOMATIC | 31102 | Function designation: Main identifier (automatic) # 31102. |
CONNECTION_PRESSURE | 31082 | Pressure # 31082. |
CONNECTION_PRODUCT_AUTOMATIC | 31133 | Product: Main identifier (automatic) # 31133. |
CONNECTION_PROTECTED_ROUTING | 31113 | Protected routing # 31113. |
CONNECTION_ROUTE_DESTINATION_XPOS | 31151 | Routing track target: X coordinate # 31151. |
CONNECTION_ROUTE_DESTINATION_YPOS | 31152 | Routing track target: Y coordinate # 31152. |
CONNECTION_ROUTE_DESTINATION_ZPOS | 31153 | Routing track target: Z coordinate # 31153. |
CONNECTION_ROUTE_SOURCE_XPOS | 31148 | Routing track source: X coordinate # 31148. |
CONNECTION_ROUTE_SOURCE_YPOS | 31149 | Routing track source: Y coordinate # 31149. |
CONNECTION_ROUTE_SOURCE_ZPOS | 31150 | Routing track source: Z coordinate # 31150. |
CONNECTION_ROUTING_DIRECTION_DESTINATION | 31115 | Routing direction target # 31115. |
CONNECTION_ROUTING_DIRECTION_SOURCE | 31114 | Routing direction source # 31114. |
CONNECTION_SLEEVECROSSSECTION_DESTINATION | 31054 | Target: Sleeve cross-section # 31054. |
CONNECTION_SLEEVECROSSSECTION_SOURCE | 31053 | Source: Sleeve cross-section # 31053. |
CONNECTION_SOURCE | 31019 | Source # 31019. |
CONNECTION_SOURCE_CP_LENGTH | 31080 | Connection: Connection point length source # 31080. |
CONNECTION_SOURCE_DBOBJECTID | 31160 | Object identification: Source # 31160. |
CONNECTION_STATE | 31081 | State (substance) # 31081. |
CONNECTION_STRIPPINGLENGTH_DESIGNATION | 31056 | Target: Stripping length # 31056. |
CONNECTION_STRIPPINGLENGTH_SOURCE | 31055 | Source: Stripping length # 31055. |
CONNECTION_SWAP_SRC_DEST | 31013 | Exchange source and target # 31013. |
CONNECTION_TARGETINFO_DESTINATION | 31141 | Internal / External index: Target # 31141. |
CONNECTION_TARGETINFO_SOURCE | 31140 | Internal / External index: Source # 31140. |
CONNECTION_TEMPERATURE | 31084 | Temperature # 31084. |
CONNECTION_TERMINAL_CONNECTIONDESIGNATION | 31118 | Connection: Associated terminal connection point (connection point designation) # 31118. |
CONNECTION_TERMINALSIZE_DESTINATION | 31097 | Connection dimension target # 31097. |
CONNECTION_TERMINALSIZE_SOURCE | 31096 | Connection dimension source # 31096. |
CONNECTION_TYPE | 31075 | Type of administration # 31075. |
CONNECTION_TYPEOFENDSTOP_DESTINATION | 31052 | Wire termination processing target # 31052. |
CONNECTION_TYPEOFENDSTOP_SOURCE | 31051 | Wire termination processing source # 31051. |
CONNECTION_USERDEFINED_AUTOMATIC | 31110 | User-defined structure: Main identifier (automatic) # 31110. |
CONNECTION_WIRE_BUNDLE | 31092 | Bundle # 31092. |
CONNECTION_WIRECROSSSECTION | 31002 | Connection: Cross-section / diameter # 31002. |
CONNECTION_WIRECROSSSECTION_UNIT | 31059 | Unit for connection cross-section / diameter # 31059. |
CONNECTION_WIRECROSSSECTION_WITH_UNIT | 31007 | Connection: Cross-section / diameter with unit # 31007. |
CONNECTION_WIRELENGTH | 31003 | Connection: Length with unit # 31003. |
CONNECTION_WIRELENGTH_FULL | 31090 | Connection: Length (full) # 31090. |
CONNECTION_WIRELENGTH_UNIT | 31001 | Connection: Unit of length # 31001. |
CONNECTION_WIRELENGTH_VALUE | 31000 | Connection: Length # 31000. |
CONNECTION_WIRENUMBER | 31004 | Connection color / number # 31004. |
CONNECTION_WIRETYPE | 31048 | Connection: Type designation # 31048. |
CONNECTION_WIRING_PATH | 31095 | Layout space: Routing track # 31095. |
CONNECTION_WIRING_PATH_PRESETTING | 31094 | Layout space: Routing track specification # 31094. |
CONNECTION_WIRING_PATH_PRESETTING_AT_DESTINATION | 31116 | Layout space: Specification for entry into routing path network (target) # 31116. |
CONNECTION_WIRING_PATH_PRESETTING_AT_SOURCE | 31100 | Layout space: Specification for entry into routing path network (source) # 31100. |
CONNECTION_WORKING_CONTROL_LINE | 31057 | Pressure line / control line # 31057. |
DESIGNATION_FULLFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT | 1320 | Functional assignment # 1320. |
DESIGNATION_FULLFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT_DESCR | 1350 | Functional assignment: Description # 1350. |
DESIGNATION_FULLFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT_WITHPREFIX | 1340 | Functional assignment with preceding sign # 1340. |
DESIGNATION_FULLINSTALLATIONNUMBER | 1720 | Higher-level function number # 1720. |
DESIGNATION_FULLINSTALLATIONNUMBER_DESCR | 1750 | Higher-level function number: Description # 1750. |
DESIGNATION_FULLINSTALLATIONNUMBER_WITHPREFIX | 1740 | Higher-level function number with preceding sign # 1740. |
DESIGNATION_FULLLOCATION | 1220 | Location designation # 1220. |
DESIGNATION_FULLLOCATION_DESCR | 1250 | Location designation: Description # 1250. |
DESIGNATION_FULLLOCATION_WITHPREFIX | 1240 | Location designation with preceding sign # 1240. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPLACEOFINSTALLATION | 1420 | Installation site # 1420. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPLACEOFINSTALLATION_DESCR | 1450 | Installation site: Description # 1450. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPLACEOFINSTALLATION_WITHPREFIX | 1440 | Installation site with preceding sign # 1440. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPLANT | 1120 | Function designation # 1120. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPLANT_DESCR | 1150 | Function designation: Description # 1150. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPLANT_WITHPREFIX | 1140 | Function designation with preceding sign # 1140. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPRODUCT | 1820 | Product # 1820. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPRODUCT_DESCR | 1850 | Product: Description # 1850. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPRODUCT_WITHPREFIX | 1840 | Product with preceding sign # 1840. |
DESIGNATION_FULLSUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT | 1321 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier, complete) # 1321. |
DESIGNATION_FULLSUBINSTALLATIONNUMBER | 1721 | Higher-level function number (sub-identifier, complete) # 1721. |
DESIGNATION_FULLSUBLOCATION | 1221 | Location designation (sub-identifier, complete) # 1221. |
DESIGNATION_FULLSUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION | 1421 | Installation site (sub-identifier, complete) # 1421. |
DESIGNATION_FULLSUBPLANT | 1121 | Function designation (sub-identifier, complete) # 1121. |
DESIGNATION_FULLSUBPRODUCT | 1821 | Product (sub-identifier, complete) # 1821. |
DESIGNATION_FULLSUBUSERDEFINED | 1621 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier, complete) # 1621. |
DESIGNATION_FULLUSERDEFINED | 1620 | User-defined structure # 1620. |
DESIGNATION_FULLUSERDEFINED_DESCR | 1650 | User-defined structure: Description # 1650. |
DESIGNATION_FULLUSERDEFINED_WITHPREFIX | 1640 | User-defined structure with preceding sign # 1640. |
DESIGNATION_FUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT | 1300 | Functional assignment (main identifier) # 1300. |
DESIGNATION_FUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT_DESCR | 1330 | Functional assignment (main identifier): Description # 1330. |
DESIGNATION_FUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT_LEADINGPARTS | 1322 | Functional assignment (leading identifiers) # 1322. |
DESIGNATION_INSTALLATIONNUMBER | 1700 | Higher-level function number (main identifier) # 1700. |
DESIGNATION_INSTALLATIONNUMBER_DESCR | 1730 | Higher-level function number (main identifier): Description # 1730. |
DESIGNATION_INSTALLATIONNUMBER_LEADINGPARTS | 1722 | Higher-level function number (leading identifiers) # 1722. |
DESIGNATION_LOCATION | 1200 | Location designation (main identifier) # 1200. |
DESIGNATION_LOCATION_DESCR | 1230 | Location designation (main identifier): Description # 1230. |
DESIGNATION_LOCATION_LEADINGPARTS | 1222 | Location designation (leading identifiers) # 1222. |
DESIGNATION_PLACEOFINSTALLATION | 1400 | Installation site (main identifier) # 1400. |
DESIGNATION_PLACEOFINSTALLATION_DESCR | 1430 | Installation site (main identifier): Description # 1430. |
DESIGNATION_PLACEOFINSTALLATION_LEADINGPARTS | 1422 | Installation site (leading identifiers) # 1422. |
DESIGNATION_PLANT | 1100 | Function designation (main identifier) # 1100. |
DESIGNATION_PLANT_DESCR | 1130 | Function designation (main identifier): Description # 1130. |
DESIGNATION_PLANT_LEADINGPARTS | 1122 | Function designation (leading identifiers) # 1122. |
DESIGNATION_PRODUCT | 1800 | Product (main identifier) # 1800. |
DESIGNATION_PRODUCT_DESCR | 1830 | Product (main identifier): Description # 1830. |
DESIGNATION_PRODUCT_LEADINGPARTS | 1822 | Product (leading identifiers) # 1822. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT1 | 1301 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 1) # 1301. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT1_DESCR | 1331 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 1): Description # 1331. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT2 | 1302 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 2) # 1302. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT2_DESCR | 1332 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 2): Description # 1332. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT3 | 1303 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 3) # 1303. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT3_DESCR | 1333 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 3): Description # 1333. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT4 | 1304 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 4) # 1304. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT4_DESCR | 1334 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 4): Description # 1334. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT5 | 1305 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 5) # 1305. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT5_DESCR | 1335 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 5): Description # 1335. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT6 | 1306 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 6) # 1306. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT6_DESCR | 1336 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 6): Description # 1336. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT7 | 1307 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 7) # 1307. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT7_DESCR | 1337 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 7): Description # 1337. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT8 | 1308 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 8) # 1308. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT8_DESCR | 1338 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 8): Description # 1338. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT9 | 1309 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 9) # 1309. |
DESIGNATION_SUBFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT9_DESCR | 1339 | Functional assignment (sub-identifier 9): Description # 1339. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION1 | 1201 | Location designation (sub-identifier 1) # 1201. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION1_DESCR | 1231 | Location designation (sub-identifier 1): Description # 1231. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION2 | 1202 | Location designation (sub-identifier 2) # 1202. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION2_DESCR | 1232 | Location designation (sub-identifier 2): Description # 1232. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION3 | 1203 | Location designation (sub-identifier 3) # 1203. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION3_DESCR | 1233 | Location designation (sub-identifier 3): Description # 1233. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION4 | 1204 | Location designation (sub-identifier 4) # 1204. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION4_DESCR | 1234 | Location designation (sub-identifier 4): Description # 1234. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION5 | 1205 | Location designation (sub-identifier 5) # 1205. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION5_DESCR | 1235 | Location designation (sub-identifier 5): Description # 1235. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION6 | 1206 | Location designation (sub-identifier 6) # 1206. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION6_DESCR | 1236 | Location designation (sub-identifier 6): Description # 1236. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION7 | 1207 | Location designation (sub-identifier 7) # 1207. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION7_DESCR | 1237 | Location designation (sub-identifier 7): Description # 1237. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION8 | 1208 | Location designation (sub-identifier 8) # 1208. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION8_DESCR | 1238 | Location designation (sub-identifier 8): Description # 1238. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION9 | 1209 | Location designation (sub-identifier 9) # 1209. |
DESIGNATION_SUBLOCATION9_DESCR | 1239 | Location designation (sub-identifier 9): Description # 1239. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION1 | 1401 | Installation site (sub-identifier 1) # 1401. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION1_DESCR | 1431 | Installation site (sub-identifier 1): Description # 1431. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION2 | 1402 | Installation site (sub-identifier 2) # 1402. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION2_DESCR | 1432 | Installation site (sub-identifier 2): Description # 1432. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION3 | 1403 | Installation site (sub-identifier 3) # 1403. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION3_DESCR | 1433 | Installation site (sub-identifier 3): Description # 1433. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION4 | 1404 | Installation site (sub-identifier 4) # 1404. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION4_DESCR | 1434 | Installation site (sub-identifier 4): Description # 1434. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION5 | 1405 | Installation site (sub-identifier 5) # 1405. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION5_DESCR | 1435 | Installation site (sub-identifier 5): Description # 1435. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION6 | 1406 | Installation site (sub-identifier 6) # 1406. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION6_DESCR | 1436 | Installation site (sub-identifier 6): Description # 1436. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION7 | 1407 | Installation site (sub-identifier 7) # 1407. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION7_DESCR | 1437 | Installation site (sub-identifier 7): Description # 1437. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION8 | 1408 | Installation site (sub-identifier 8) # 1408. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION8_DESCR | 1438 | Installation site (sub-identifier 8): Description # 1438. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION9 | 1409 | Installation site (sub-identifier 9) # 1409. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLACEOFINSTALLATION9_DESCR | 1439 | Installation site (sub-identifier 9): Description # 1439. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT1 | 1101 | Function designation (sub-identifier 1) # 1101. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT1_DESCR | 1131 | Function designation (sub-identifier 1): Description # 1131. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT2 | 1102 | Function designation (sub-identifier 2) # 1102. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT2_DESCR | 1132 | Function designation (sub-identifier 2): Description # 1132. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT3 | 1103 | Function designation (sub-identifier 3) # 1103. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT3_DESCR | 1133 | Function designation (sub-identifier 3): Description # 1133. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT4 | 1104 | Function designation (sub-identifier 4) # 1104. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT4_DESCR | 1134 | Function designation (sub-identifier 4): Description # 1134. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT5 | 1105 | Function designation (sub-identifier 5) # 1105. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT5_DESCR | 1135 | Function designation (sub-identifier 5): Description # 1135. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT6 | 1106 | Function designation (sub-identifier 6) # 1106. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT6_DESCR | 1136 | Function designation (sub-identifier 6): Description # 1136. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT7 | 1107 | Function designation (sub-identifier 7) # 1107. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT7_DESCR | 1137 | Function designation (sub-identifier 7): Description # 1137. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT8 | 1108 | Function designation (sub-identifier 8) # 1108. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT8_DESCR | 1138 | Function designation (sub-identifier 8): Description # 1138. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT9 | 1109 | Function designation (sub-identifier 9) # 1109. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPLANT9_DESCR | 1139 | Function designation (sub-identifier 9): Description # 1139. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT1 | 1801 | Product (sub-identifier 1) # 1801. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT1_DESCR | 1831 | Product (sub-identifier 1): Description # 1831. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT2 | 1802 | Product (sub-identifier 2) # 1802. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT2_DESCR | 1832 | Product (sub-identifier 2): Description # 1832. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT3 | 1803 | Product (sub-identifier 3) # 1803. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT3_DESCR | 1833 | Product (sub-identifier 3): Description # 1833. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT4 | 1804 | Product (sub-identifier 4) # 1804. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT4_DESCR | 1834 | Product (sub-identifier 4): Description # 1834. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT5 | 1805 | Product (sub-identifier 5) # 1805. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT5_DESCR | 1835 | Product (sub-identifier 5): Description # 1835. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT6 | 1806 | Product (sub-identifier 6) # 1806. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT6_DESCR | 1836 | Product (sub-identifier 6): Description # 1836. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT7 | 1807 | Product (sub-identifier 7) # 1807. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT7_DESCR | 1837 | Product (sub-identifier 7): Description # 1837. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT8 | 1808 | Product (sub-identifier 8) # 1808. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT8_DESCR | 1838 | Product (sub-identifier 8): Description # 1838. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT9 | 1809 | Product (sub-identifier 9) # 1809. |
DESIGNATION_SUBPRODUCT9_DESCR | 1839 | Product (sub-identifier 9): Description # 1839. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED | 1600 | User-defined structure (main identifier) # 1600. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_DESCR | 1630 | User-defined structure (main identifier): Description # 1630. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_LEADINGPARTS | 1622 | User-defined structure (leading identifiers) # 1622. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB1 | 1601 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 1) # 1601. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB1_DESCR | 1631 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 1): Description # 1631. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB2 | 1602 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 2) # 1602. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB2_DESCR | 1632 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 2): Description # 1632. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB3 | 1603 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 3) # 1603. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB3_DESCR | 1633 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 3): Description # 1633. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB4 | 1604 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 4) # 1604. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB4_DESCR | 1634 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 4): Description # 1634. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB5 | 1605 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 5) # 1605. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB5_DESCR | 1635 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 5): Description # 1635. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB6 | 1606 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 6) # 1606. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB6_DESCR | 1636 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 6): Description # 1636. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB7 | 1607 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 7) # 1607. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB7_DESCR | 1637 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 7): Description # 1637. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB8 | 1608 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 8) # 1608. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB8_DESCR | 1638 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 8): Description # 1638. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB9 | 1609 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 9) # 1609. |
DESIGNATION_USERDEFINED_SUB9_DESCR | 1639 | User-defined structure (sub-identifier 9): Description # 1639. |
EDITINGAREA_CRAFT | 25000 | Trade (Defined working sections) # 25000. |
FUNC_ADDITIONALIDENTIFYINGNAMEPART | 20032 | Additional identifying name element # 20032. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ADDITIONAL_BOOLFIELD | 20916 | Suppl. field: Yes / No # 20916. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ADDITIONAL_TEXTFIELD | 20915 | Suppl. field: Text # 20915. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_AML_GUID | 20399 | AutomationML GUID (accessories) # 20399. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLY | 20905 | Assembly # 20905. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLY_STRUCTURE | 20922 | Assembly structure # 20922. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSEMBLYVARIANT | 20923 | Assembly variant # 20923. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ASSIGNMENT | 20904 | Part allocation # 20904. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_CONSTRUCTION | 20284 | Used drilling pattern # 20284. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_COUNT | 20102 | Number of units / quantity # 20102. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR1 | 20193 | Part: Designation 1 # 20193. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR2 | 20194 | Part: Designation 2 # 20194. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_DESCR3 | 20203 | Part: Designation 3 # 20203. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ERPNR | 31117 | ERP number # 31117. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_1 | 20190 | Part: External document 1 # 20190. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_10 | 20269 | Part: External document 10 # 20269. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_11 | 20270 | Part: External document 11 # 20270. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_12 | 20271 | Part: External document 12 # 20271. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_13 | 20272 | Part: External document 13 # 20272. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_14 | 20273 | Part: External document 14 # 20273. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_15 | 20274 | Part: External document 15 # 20274. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_16 | 20275 | Part: External document 16 # 20275. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_17 | 20276 | Part: External document 17 # 20276. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_18 | 20277 | Part: External document 18 # 20277. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_19 | 20278 | Part: External document 19 # 20278. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_2 | 20191 | Part: External document 2 # 20191. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_20 | 20279 | Part: External document 20 # 20279. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_3 | 20192 | Part: External document 3 # 20192. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_4 | 20263 | Part: External document 4 # 20263. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_5 | 20264 | Part: External document 5 # 20264. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_6 | 20265 | Part: External document 6 # 20265. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_7 | 20266 | Part: External document 7 # 20266. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_8 | 20267 | Part: External document 8 # 20267. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_DOCUMENT_9 | 20268 | Part: External document 9 # 20268. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_EXTERNAL_PLACEMENT | 20917 | External placement # 20917. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_FUNCTIONGROUP | 20902 | Function group # 20902. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_LIFETIME | 20909 | Service time # 20909. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_MAINTENANCE | 20912 | Lubrication / maintenance # 20912. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_MANUFACTURER | 20921 | Manufacturer # 20921. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_MOUNTINGSITE | 20918 | Part: Mounting surface # 20918. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_NOTE | 31014 | Part description # 31014. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_ORDERNR | 20919 | Order number # 20919. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH | 31008 | Subset / length # 31008. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_FULL | 31091 | Subset / length (full) # 31091. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_IN_PROJECT_UNIT | 31040 | Subset / length in unit of project # 31040. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_UNIT | 31012 | Unit for subset / length # 31012. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_VALUE | 31010 | Subset / length: Value # 31010. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTIAL_LENGTH_WITH_PROJECT_UNIT | 31043 | Subset / length with unit of project # 31043. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTNR | 20100 | Part number # 20100. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PARTTYPE | 20103 | Record type # 20103. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_PIECETYPE | 20903 | Part group # 20903. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_POSNR | 20464 | Item number # 20464. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_QUANTITY_IN_PROJECT_UNIT | 31044 | Quantity / subset in unit of project # 31044. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_SPARE | 20907 | Spare part # 20907. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_STRESS | 20910 | Stress # 20910. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_SUPPLIER | 20920 | Supplier # 20920. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_SUPPRESSINPARTSLIST | 20105 | Suppress in bill of materials (if filtered) # 20105. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_USAGE | 20911 | Procurement # 20911. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_USED_SAFETYRELATEDVALUE | 20307 | Safety-related values: Use case in use # 20307. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_VARIANT | 20101 | Part variant # 20101. |
FUNC_ARTICLE_WEAR | 20908 | Wearing part # 20908. |
FUNC_ARTICLEREF_PARTSLISTGROUP | 20924 | Bill of materials group # 20924. |
FUNC_BLOCK_VALUE | 20201 | Block property # 20201. |
FUNC_CABLE_DEVTAGINCLUDESSOURCEORDESTINATION | 20069 | Cable name includes source / target # 20069. |
FUNC_CANHAVEARTICLEDATA | 20612 | Can have parts data # 20612. |
FUNC_CATEGORY | 20115 | Function definition: Category # 20115. |
FUNC_CATEGORY_GROUP_ID | 20188 | Function definition: Category / Group / Definition # 20188. |
FUNC_CATEGORY_REGION | 20088 | Function definition: Area # 20088. |
FUNC_CIRCUITNUMBER | 20317 | Circuit number # 20317. |
FUNC_CODE | 20013 | DT: Identifier # 20013. |
FUNC_COMMENT | 20045 | Remark # 20045. |
FUNC_COMPONENTNUMBER | 20318 | Item number # 20318. |
FUNC_COMPONENTTYPE | 20026 | Function definition # 20026. |
FUNC_CONNECTIONDESTINATIONNAME | 20077 | Name of target connection point # 20077. |
FUNC_COUNTER | 20014 | DT: Counter # 20014. |
FUNC_CRAFT | 20466 | Trade # 20466. |
FUNC_CRAFTCODE | 20316 | Media code # 20316. |
FUNC_DESC | 20117 | Function definition: Description # 20117. |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_FULL | 20009 | DT (full, without project structures) # 20009. |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_FULL_WITHSEPARATOR | 20213 | DT (full, without project structures, with preceding sign) # 20213. |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_FULLNAME | 20058 | Name (without project structures) # 20058. |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_FULLNAME_WITHSEPARATOR | 20214 | Name (without project structures, with preceding sign) # 20214. |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_MAIN | 20003 | DT (superior, without project structures) # 20003. |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_MAIN_WITHSEPARATOR | 20211 | DT (superior, without project structures, with preceding sign) # 20211. |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_MAINNAME | 20335 | Superior product aspect incl. name supplement # 20335. |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_NESTED | 20004 | DT (subordinate, without project structures) # 20004. |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_NESTED_WITHSEPARATOR | 20212 | DT (subordinate, without project structures, with preceding sign) # 20212. |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_NESTEDNAME | 20336 | Subordinate product aspect incl. name supplement # 20336. |
FUNC_DEVICETAG_ONLYSTRUCTURES | 20020 | DT (project structures only) # 20020. |
FUNC_DEVICETYPE_MANUAL | 20294 | Device group # 20294. |
FUNC_DT_COLUMN | 20152 | DT: Column # 20152. |
FUNC_DT_FUNCTIONCODE | 20155 | DT: Application # 20155. |
FUNC_DT_PAGECOUNTER | 20150 | DT: Page # 20150. |
FUNC_DT_PAGESUBCOUNTER | 20151 | DT: Subpage # 20151. |
FUNC_DT_ROW | 20153 | DT: Row # 20153. |
FUNC_DT_SECTION | 20154 | DT: Section # 20154. |
FUNC_DT_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD01 | 20156 | DT: Supplementary field 1 # 20156. |
FUNC_DT_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD02 | 20157 | DT: Supplementary field 2 # 20157. |
FUNC_DT_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD03 | 20158 | DT: Supplementary field 3 # 20158. |
FUNC_DT_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD04 | 20159 | DT: Supplementary field 4 # 20159. |
FUNC_DT_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD05 | 20160 | DT: Supplementary field 5 # 20160. |
FUNC_DT2_COLUMN | 20172 | DT (subordinate): Column # 20172. |
FUNC_DT2_FUNCTIONCODE | 20175 | DT (subordinate): Application # 20175. |
FUNC_DT2_PAGECOUNTER | 20170 | DT (subordinate): Page # 20170. |
FUNC_DT2_PAGESUBCOUNTER | 20171 | DT (subordinate): Subpage # 20171. |
FUNC_DT2_ROW | 20173 | DT (subordinate): Row # 20173. |
FUNC_DT2_SECTION | 20174 | DT (subordinate): Section # 20174. |
FUNC_DT2_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD01 | 20176 | DT (subordinate): Supplementary field 1 # 20176. |
FUNC_DT2_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD02 | 20177 | DT (subordinate): Supplementary field 2 # 20177. |
FUNC_DT2_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD03 | 20178 | DT (subordinate): Supplementary field 3 # 20178. |
FUNC_DT2_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD04 | 20179 | DT (subordinate): Supplementary field 4 # 20179. |
FUNC_DT2_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD05 | 20180 | DT (subordinate): Supplementary field 5 # 20180. |
FUNC_FIXED_DEVICE | 20475 | Device protection # 20475. |
FUNC_FULLCONNECTIONDESTINATIONNAME | 20048 | Name of target connection point (full) # 20048. |
FUNC_FULLDEVICETAG | 20006 | DT (full) # 20006. |
FUNC_FULLNAME | 20001 | Name (full) # 20001. |
FUNC_GRAVINGTEXT | 20025 | Engraving text # 20025. |
FUNC_GROUP | 20116 | Function definition: Group # 20116. |
FUNC_IDENTDEVICETAG | 20005 | DT (identifying) # 20005. |
FUNC_IDENTDEVICETAGPARTS | 20096 | Identifying DT elements # 20096. |
FUNC_IDENTDEVICETAGWITHOUTSTRUCTURES | 20008 | DT (identifying, without project structures) # 20008. |
FUNC_IDENTDEVICETAGWITHOUTSTRUCTURES_WITHSEPARATOR | 20215 | DT (identifying, without project structures, with preceding sign) # 20215. |
FUNC_IDENTNAME | 20000 | Name (identifying) # 20000. |
FUNC_IDENTNAMEPARTS | 20095 | Identifying name elements # 20095. |
FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_CIRCUIT | 20470 | Function exists with 'Multi-line' representation type # 20470. |
FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_OVERVIEW | 20473 | Function exists with 'Overview' representation type # 20473. |
FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_PAIRCROSSREFERENCE | 20472 | Function exists with 'Pair cross-reference' representation type # 20472. |
FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_PROCESSANDINSTDIAGRAM | 20474 | Function exists with 'P&I diagram' representation type # 20474. |
FUNC_ISPLACEDIN_SINGLELINE | 20471 | Function exists with 'Single-line' representation type # 20471. |
FUNC_MACRO | 20468 | Macro # 20468. |
FUNC_MODULE_ID | 20359 | DT ID # 20359. |
FUNC_NESTEDCODE | 20017 | DT (subordinate): Identifier # 20017. |
FUNC_NESTEDCOUNTER | 20018 | DT (subordinate):Counter # 20018. |
FUNC_NESTEDPREFIX | 20016 | DT (subordinate): Prefix # 20016. |
FUNC_NESTEDSUFFIX | 20019 | DT (subordinate): Subcounter # 20019. |
FUNC_PREFIX | 20012 | DT: Prefix # 20012. |
FUNC_SINGLE_LINE_FUNCTION_COUNT | 20110 | Number of functions # 20110. |
FUNC_SUBCRAFT | 20467 | Subtrade # 20467. |
FUNC_SUFFIX | 20015 | DT: Subcounter # 20015. |
FUNC_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD | 20901 | Supplementary field # 20901. |
FUNC_TYPE | 20121 | Representation type # 20121. |
FUNC_TYPENOTATION | 20200 | Type designation of part # 20200. |
FUNCTION_MESSAGETEXT | 20185 | Message text # 20185. |
FUNCTION_PLCIMPORTCOMPARE_MARKEDTOBEDELETED | 20186 | Marked for deletion # 20186. |
FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_COMBINATION | 20429 | Function template: Template group (multi-line) # 20429. |
FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION | 20389 | Function template: Description # 20389. |
HARNESS_CABLEUNIT | 31162 | Cable unit # 31162. |
HARNESS_NAME | 31143 | Wire harness name # 31143. |
INSTANCE_FULLPLACEMENTLOCATION | 19007 | Placement # 19007. |
INSTANCE_REVISIONID | 10153 | Revision change marker (from property comparison) # 10153. |
INSTANCE_REVISIONMARKER | 10152 | Revision marker (from property comparison) # 10152. |
INSTANCE_TYPE | 19021 | Representation type / report type # 19021. |
INTRINSICSAFETY | 31030 | Intrinsically safe # 31030. |
MESSAGEMGMT_MESSAGES | 20930 | Messages in message management # 20930. |
POTENTIAL_NAME | 33000 | Name of potential # 33000. |
POTENTIAL_NETNAME | 33007 | Net name # 33007. |
POTENTIAL_PARENT | 33001 | Superior potential # 33001. |
POTENTIAL_SIGNAL | 33006 | Signal name # 33006. |
POTENTIAL_TYPE | 31006 | Potential type # 31006. |
POTENTIAL_VALUE | 33003 | Potential value # 33003. |
STRANDCONNECTOR_DESIGNATION | 19070 | Bundle: Connection point designation # 19070. |
SUBPROJECT_NUMBER | 25101 | Subproject number # 25101. |
WRITEPROTECTED | 3014 | Change protection # 3014. |
WRITEPROTECTED_AUTOMATIC | 3015 | Change protection (hierarchical) # 3015. |