Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Graphics Namespace / Color Structure

Color Structure
Defines color of graphical placements or 3d placements Color can be stored as a) a colorId as reference into an internal color table (Default) b) RGB values of the color c) a special color id ByLayer, that says: color is defined by layer Usually the color is defined by color id. Imported 3d graphics may store RGB values directly If the ColorId==ByLayer then the color must be taken from layer If the TransparencyDefinedByLayer is true, then the transparency must be taken from layer otherwise the transparency is stored in this object The mapping between R,G,B values and colorId is done in a way that at first there is checked background-dependant palette and afterwards extended one.
Inheritance Hierarchy


public struct Color : System.ValueType 
Public Constructors
Public ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the blue channel value of color (0-255)  
Public PropertyGets or sets Color id  
Public PropertyGets or sets the green channel value of color (0-255)  
Public PropertyGets or sets the red channel value of color (0-255)  
Public PropertyGets or sets transparency (0-255) due to internal technical limitations transparency is always stored as even value so 13 will be stored as 12 for example  
Public Propertyif true, then transparency must be taken from layer  
See Also