Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel Namespace / ReportBlockReferencePropertyList Class
Members Example

ReportBlockReferencePropertyList Class
This class represents collection of properties of ReportBlockReference class. Please check also base classes for other properties which are available for ReportBlockReference objects: PlacementPropertyList, StorableObjectPropertyList
Inheritance Hierarchy


public class ReportBlockReferencePropertyList : GroupPropertyList 
It uses operator[] in order to access its elements (stored properties).

Property list is a container for property values and just like them can be online or offline. If property list is online it means that is associated with properties of some StorableObject or other property list. In this case if any property is added, changed or removed from property list the result is also visible in related objects. Whether property list is online or offline is being determine in time of it's creation and can not be changed.

Example shows usage of online an offline property list:
//creation of online property list
FunctionPropertyList oPropertyListOnline1 = oFunction.Properties;
oPropertyListOnline1.FUNC_COMMENT = "Comment";
//now oFunction.Properties.FUNC_COMMENT is equal "Comment"

FunctionPropertyList oPropertyLineOnline2 = new FunctionPropertyList(oFunction);
oPropertyLineOnline2.FUNC_COMMENT = "Test";
//now oFunction.Properties.FUNC_COMMENT is equal "Test"

//creation of offline property list
FunctionPropertyList oPropertyLineOffline = new FunctionPropertyList();
oPropertyLineOffline.FUNC_COMMENT = "Test comment";
oFunction.Properties.FUNC_COMMENT = oPropertyLineOffline.FUNC_COMMENT;
oPropertyLineOffline.FUNC_COMMENT = "Offline comment";
//now oPropertyLineOffline.FUNC_COMMENT is equal "Test comment"

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorOverloaded.   
Public Properties
Public PropertyReturns array of property ids. Returns array of AnyPropertyId objects. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList)
Public PropertyReturns array of PropertyValue objects. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList)
Public PropertyOverloaded. Modification date (change tracking) # 19032. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList)
Public PropertyOverloaded. Revision marker (change tracking) # 19030. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList)
Public PropertyOverloaded. Revision marker format (change tracking) # 19031. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList)
Public PropertyOverloaded. Modification time (change tracking) # 19034. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList)
Public PropertyOverloaded. Creator (change tracking) # 19033. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList)
Public PropertyOverloaded. Revision change marker (from property comparison) # 10153. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList)
Public PropertyOverloaded. Revision marker (from property comparison) # 10152. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList)
Public PropertyStorableObject to which this property list is connected. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList)
Public PropertyOverloaded. Method used by operator[] in order to access indexed properties by AnyPropertyId.  
Public PropertyOverloaded. Object identification # 2000. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.StorableObjectPropertyList)
Public PropertyOverloaded. Change protection (hierarchical) # 3015. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList)
Public Methods
Public MethodOverloaded. Copies properties to other property list. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList)
Public MethodDestructor for deterministic finalization of ReportBlockReferencePropertyList object. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList)
Public MethodOverloaded. Checks property existence for used obiect. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.PlacementPropertyList)
Public MethodInternal method. (Inherited from Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.UniversalPropertyList)
See Also