Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel Namespace / IPlaceHolder Interface

IPlaceHolder Interface
public interface IPlaceHolder 
Public Properties
 PropertyGets/Sets a list of StorableObject references to a PlaceHolder object. The originally assigned references are replaced.  
 PropertyActivates the properties of the page/installation space for the place holder object.  
 PropertyGets/Sets the name of the Placeholder3D.  
 PropertyGets/Sets the name of a record, specified by its index.  
 PropertyCount of records.  
 PropertyCount of objects referenced by the Placeholder3D.  
 PropertyCount of Variables.  
 PropertyGets/Sets the value of a variable for a record.  
 PropertyNames of all variables in the Placeholder3D.  
Public Methods
 MethodAdds a new record with the specified name to the Placeholder3D object.  
 MethodAdds a new variable to the Placeholder3D object.  
 MethodOverloaded. Applies a record of values on a PlaceHolder object.  
 MethodOverloaded. Deletes a record.  
 MethodDeletes all unused variables.  
 MethodDeletes a variable.  
 MethodFinds a record by name.  
 MethodFinds a variable, specified by its name.  
 Method\Returns the names of all records in the nIndex-th PlaceHolder of a Macro.  
 MethodGets the value of a variable for a record.  
 Method\Returns the values of all variables in the nIndex-th PlaceHolder of a Macro variant for a given record.  
 Method\Returns the names of all variables in the nIndex-th PlaceHolder of a Macro variant.  
 MethodVerifies the correctness if a variable name of a placeholder. If a variable name contains invalid characters, this method \returns false.  
 MethodRemoves invalid (e.g. deleted) object references from a PlaceHolder.  
 MethodRemoves object references from a PlaceHolder.  
 MethodSets the value of a variable for a record.  
See Also