public enum Properties.TerminalStrip : System.Enum
public enum class Properties.TerminalStrip : public System.Enum
Member | Value | Description |
DESIGNATION_FULLFUNCTIONALASSIGNMENT | 1320 | Functional assignment # 1320. |
DESIGNATION_FULLINSTALLATIONNUMBER | 1720 | Higher-level function number # 1720. |
DESIGNATION_FULLLOCATION | 1220 | Location designation # 1220. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPLACEOFINSTALLATION | 1420 | Installation site # 1420. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPLANT | 1120 | Function designation # 1120. |
DESIGNATION_FULLPRODUCT | 1820 | Product # 1820. |
DESIGNATION_FULLSUBINSTALLATIONNUMBER | 1721 | Higher-level function number (sub-identifier, complete) # 1721. |
DESIGNATION_FULLUSERDEFINED | 1620 | User-defined structure # 1620. |
FUNC_CODE | 20013 | DT: Identifier # 20013. |
FUNC_CRAFTCODE | 20316 | Media code # 20316. |
FUNC_FULLDEVICETAG | 20006 | DT (full) # 20006. |
FUNC_GRAVINGTEXT | 20025 | Engraving text # 20025. |
FUNC_IDENTDEVICETAG | 20005 | DT (identifying) # 20005. |
FUNC_IDENTDEVICETAGWITHOUTSTRUCTURES | 20008 | DT (identifying, without project structures) # 20008. |
FUNC_IDENTDEVICETAGWITHOUTSTRUCTURES_WITHSEPARATOR | 20215 | DT (identifying, without project structures, with preceding sign) # 20215. |
FUNC_MANUALCROSSREFERENCE | 20302 | Manual cross-reference # 20302. |
FUNC_MOUNTINGLOCATION | 20024 | Mounting site (describing) # 20024. |
FUNC_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD | 20901 | Supplementary field # 20901. |
FUNC_TECHNICAL_CHARACTERISTIC | 20027 | Technical characteristics # 20027. |
FUNC_TEXT | 20011 | Function text # 20011. |
FUNC_TEXT_AUTOMATIC | 20031 | Function text (automatic) # 20031. |
INSTANCE_FULLPLACEMENTLOCATION | 19007 | Placement # 19007. |
TERMINAL_COUNTOFINTERNALOBJECTS | 35001 | Terminal strips: Total number of objects on terminal strip # 35001. |
TERMINALSTRIP_CONNECTIONDIAGRAMPAGE | 35010 | Terminal strips: Page name of terminal-connection diagram # 35010. |
TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFCOMMON | 35002 | Terminal strips: Number of general terminals # 35002. |
TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFN | 35003 | Terminal strips: Number of N terminals # 35003. |
TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFPE | 35004 | Terminal strips: Number of PE terminals # 35004. |
TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFSH | 35000 | Terminal strips: Number of SH terminals # 35000. |
TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFTERMINALMAINS | 35012 | Terminal strips: Number of main terminals # 35012. |
TERMINALSTRIP_COUNTOFTERMINALS | 35006 | Terminal strips: Number of terminals # 35006. |
TERMINALSTRIP_DIAGRAMPAGE | 35009 | Terminal strips: Page name of terminal diagram # 35009. |
TERMINALSTRIP_FIRSTTERMINAL | 35007 | Terminal strips: First terminal # 35007. |
TERMINALSTRIP_ITEMCOUNT | 35005 | Terminal strips: Number of terminals and accessories for terminal diagram # 35005. |
TERMINALSTRIP_LASTTERMINAL | 35008 | Terminal strips: Last terminal # 35008. |
TERMINALSTRIP_TERMINALLINEUPDIAGRAMPAGE | 35011 | Terminal strips: Page name of terminal line-up diagram # 35011. |