public enum DocumentTypeManager.DocumentType : System.Enum
public enum class DocumentTypeManager.DocumentType : public System.Enum
Member | Value | Description |
AssemblyModuleOverview | 55 | assembly / module overview |
CableConnectionDiagram | 26 | cable-connection diagram |
CableLayout | 4 | cable assignment diagram |
CableOverview | 21 | cable overview |
Circuit | 1 | schematic |
CircuitFluid | 34 | schematic fluid |
CircuitSingleLine | 2 | schematic single-line |
ConduitLinePlan | 57 | conduit / line plan |
ConnectionList | 19 | connection list |
DeviceConnectionDiagram | 25 | device connection diagram |
DeviceList | 13 | device tag list |
DistributedDeviceList | 56 | distributed device list |
DrillingPlan | 58 | drilling plan |
External | -3 | external element |
ExternalDocument | 5 | external document |
FluidFunctionalOverview | 63 | functional overview (fluid) |
Form | -4 | form |
FormCopper | -13 | form (copper) |
FormOverview | 32 | forms documentation |
Frame | -1 | plot frame |
FrameOverview | 33 | plot frame documentation |
Functional | -12 | functional |
Graphics | 7 | free graphics |
InterconnectDiagram | 11 | cable diagram |
LogocadTriga | 6 | Logocad TRIGA drawing |
Macro | -11 | macro |
ManufacturerList | 39 | manufacturer / supplier list |
ModelView | 40 | 2D representation of 3D models |
MountingList | 41 | mounting list |
OutlineExtrusion | -7 | outline (extrusion) |
OutlineNCData | -10 | outline (NC data) |
Overview | 3 | overview |
PairCrossReference | -2 | pair cross-reference (e.g. motor overload switch) |
PanelLayout | 8 | panel layout |
PanelLayout3D | -8 | panel layout (3D) |
PanelLayoutCaption | 29 | enclosure legend |
PanelLayoutDetail | -6 | panel layout (detail) |
PartsList | 22 | parts list |
PartsSumList | 30 | summarized parts list |
PCTLoopLegend | 42 | PCT loop legend |
PlaceholderObjectsOverview | 37 | placeholder objects overview |
Planning | 54 | Planning |
PLCCardOverview | 16 | PLC card overview |
PLCDiagram | 24 | PLC diagram |
PlugConnectionDiagram | 27 | pin-connection diagram |
PlugDiagram | 28 | plug diagram |
PlugOverview | 23 | plug overview |
PotentialOverview | 20 | potential overview |
PreplanningPipeClassOverview | 60 | pre-planning: Pipe class overview |
PreplanningPlanningObjectOverview | 50 | pre-planning: Planning object overview |
PreplanningPlanningObjectPlan | 51 | pre-planning: Planning object plan |
PreplanningSegmentTemplateOverview | 52 | pre-planning: Segment template overview |
PreplanningSegmentTemplatePlan | 53 | pre-planning: Segment template plan |
PreplanningStructureSegmentOverview | 48 | pre-planning: Structure segment overview |
PreplanningStructureSegmentPlan | 49 | pre-planning: Structure segment plan |
PreplanningSubstanceOverview | 62 | pre-planning: Substance overview |
ProcessAndInstrumentationDiagram | 38 | process and instrumentation diagram |
ProcessOverview | 47 | process overview |
ProjectOptionsOverview | 36 | project options overview |
RevisionOverview | 35 | revision overview |
SignalOverview | 59 | signal overview |
StructIdentifierOverview | 31 | structure identifier overview |
Symbol | -5 | symbol |
SymbolOverview | 18 | symbol overview |
TableOfContents | 14 | table of contents |
TerminalConnectiondiagram | 10 | terminal-connection diagram |
TerminalDiagram | 9 | terminal diagram |
TerminalLineupDiagram | 12 | terminal line-up diagram |
TerminalStripOverview | 15 | terminal strip overview |
TitlePage | 17 | title page |
Topology | 43 | topology |
TopologyRoutedCables | 46 | topology: Routed cables / connections |
TopologyRoutingPathDiagram | 45 | topology: Routing path diagram |
TopologyRoutingPathList | 44 | topology: Routing path list |
Undefined | 0 | undefined |