public enum Properties.SegmentDefinition : System.Enum
public enum class Properties.SegmentDefinition : public System.Enum
Member | Value | Description |
DMPLAOBJECTDEFINITION_BEGINWITHPREFIX | 44046 | Segment definition: Preceding sign also at the beginning # 44046. |
DMPLAOBJECTDEFINITION_DISPLAYNAME_FORMAT | 44002 | Display format: Segment name # 44002. |
DMPLAOBJECTDEFINITION_NAME | 44003 | Segment definition: Displayed name # 44003. |
DMPLAOBJECTDEFINITION_NO_STRUCTUREDELIMITER | 44033 | Structure identifiers without separators # 44033. |
DMPLAOBJECTDEFINITION_NUMBER_NO_SPACE | 44091 | Segment definition: No blank space before the number # 44091. |
DMPLAOBJECTDEFINITION_PREFIX | 44045 | Segment definition: Preceding sign # 44045. |
DMPLAOBJECTDEFINITION_PREFIX_SA | 44090 | Segment definition: Separator symbolic address # 44090. |
FUNC_BLOCK_FORMAT | 20202 | Block property: Format # 20202. |
FUNC_CRAFT | 20466 | Trade # 20466. |
WRITEPROTECTED | 3014 | Change protection # 3014. |
WRITEPROTECTED_AUTOMATIC | 3015 | Change protection (hierarchical) # 3015. |