Eplan Platform API
Inheritance Hierarchy
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Filters Namespace
ClassSelect all connections which are connected with specified function. When function category is Eplan::EplApi::DataModel::Function::Enums::Category::Cable IEsCableServices::getCableConnections is used : liefert alle Connections des Kabels. Optional werden die Connections nach den Regeln aus den Quelle/Zielregeln, the Property EW3_PROPERTY_FUNC_CABLE_CHANGE_SOURCE_TARGET und der Einstellung Kabel nach der Reihenfolge der Steckerbezeichung sortiert. When function category isn't Cable, DMConnectionQuery is used and it searchs connections which are started or ended with specified functions. In such case in result could be this same function two times.
ClassSelects all pages with specified DocumentType
ClassSelect all functions which have specified category
ClassSelect all functions which have specified name
ClassSelect all pages which have specified name
ClassAbstract class for filters. All filters from namespace Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Filter are derived from this class.
ClassThis class represend connection between two filters. They can be joined by & or | operator. Two connected filters create new one filter.
ClassSelects all objects which properties match to specified.
ClassSelect all objects of given type.
See Also