This class represent PolyLine on the
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.Page. The following example shows how to use class PolyLine.
The following example shows how to use class PolyLine.
PolyLine oPolyLine = new PolyLine();
PointD oPint1 = new PointD(30.0, 30.0);
PointD oPint2 = new PointD(50.0, 40.0);
PointD oPint3 = new PointD(70.0, 50.0);
PointD oPint4 = new PointD(40.0, 60.0);
oPolyLine.SetPointAt(0, ref oPint1);
oPolyLine.SetPointAt(1, ref oPint2);
oPolyLine.SetPointAt(2, ref oPint3);
oPolyLine.SetPointAt(3, ref oPint4);
oPolyLine.SetBulgeAt(0, 5.5);