Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel Namespace / Properties.SymbolLibrary Enumeration

Properties.SymbolLibrary Enumeration
Identificators of properties owned by SymbolLibrary class.
public enum Properties.SymbolLibrary : System.Enum 
INSTANCE_SIZE19017Font size # 19017.
PROPUSER_LAST_USERCODE3010Last editor: ID # 3010.
PROPUSER_LAST_USEREMAIL3013Last editor: E-mail # 3013.
PROPUSER_LAST_USERNAME3011Last editor: Name # 3011.
PROPUSER_LAST_USERPHONE3012Last editor: Phone # 3012.
SYMBLIB_COMPANY15019Company code # 15019.
SYMBLIB_CONNECTIONERROR15101Error: Connection point # 15101.
SYMBLIB_CREATIONDATE15021Creation date # 15021.
SYMBLIB_CREATOR15020Creator # 15020.
SYMBLIB_DESC15011Symbol library description # 15011.
SYMBLIB_ERRORCOUNT15099Number of messages # 15099.
SYMBLIB_ERRORSYMBOLED15201Error (symbol editor) # 15201.
SYMBLIB_FRAME15030Plot frame to edit symbol # 15030.
SYMBLIB_FUNCDEFERROR15100Error: Function definition # 15100.
SYMBLIB_FUNCTYPEERROR15103Error: Representation type # 15103.
SYMBLIB_GRAPHICERROR15105Error: Symbol graphic # 15105.
SYMBLIB_IMPORTERROR15200Error (import) # 15200.
SYMBLIB_LASTMODIFICATIONDATE15023Modification date (automatic) # 15023.
SYMBLIB_LASTMODIFICATOR15022Last editor: Sign-in name # 15022.
SYMBLIB_LOCKEDSYMBOLCOUNT15016Number of locked symbols # 15016.
SYMBLIB_LOGICERROR15104Error: Connection point logic # 15104.
SYMBLIB_LOGICGRID15013Grid # 15013.
SYMBLIB_MANUALDATE15024Modification date (manual) # 15024.
SYMBLIB_NAME15000Symbol library # 15000.
SYMBLIB_OLDNAME15098Name of original symbol library # 15098.
SYMBLIB_PLACEDPROPERROR15106Error: Property placement # 15106.
SYMBLIB_SUPPLEMENTARYFIELD15901Supplementary field # 15901.
SYMBLIB_SYMBOLCOUNT15015Number of symbols # 15015.
SYMBLIB_VARIANTCOUNT15017Number of symbol variants # 15017.
SYMBLIB_VARIANTERROR15102Error: Symbol variant # 15102.
SYMBLIB_VERSION15012Version # 15012.
SYMBOLLIBRARY_REMOVED_VARIANT15031Compressed symbol library # 15031.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also