Create(Placement3D,Int16,Placement3D,Int16) Method
Creates connection between two 3d placements.
- pStartObject
- Placement3D from which connection will start.
- nStartIndex
- Index of Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.ConnectionPointPosition will be the starting point of new connection.
- pEndObject
- Placement3D which will be connection end.
- nEndIndex
- Index of Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.ConnectionPointPosition will be the ending point of new connection.
//connecting two 3d functions using connection points
Connection3D oConnection3D = new Connection3D();
oConnection3D.Create(oFunction3D1, oFunction3D1.ConnectionPointPositions[0].Index, oFunction3D2, oFunction3D2.ConnectionPointPositions[2].Index);
//creating connection between two 3d function and only for one of them a connection point is specified
Connection3D oConnection3DOneConnectionPoint = new Connection3D();
oConnection3D.Create(oFunction3D1, oFunction3D1.ConnectionPointPositions[0].Index, oFunction3D2, -1);