Eplan Platform API
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel Namespace / SymbolReference Class / Create Method / Create(SymbolVariant,Page) Method
Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.MasterData.SymbolVariant that will be assigned
Page where the symbol reference will be located on

Create(SymbolVariant,Page) Method
Creates a SymbolReference or more specialized object derived from it, depending on symbol type and function definition assigned to the symbol in symbVariant parameter. The object is placed on the page passed as a parameter, using a given SymbolVariant.


Eplan.EplApi.DataModel.MasterData.SymbolVariant that will be assigned
Page where the symbol reference will be located on
Thrown when page is null.
Thrown when symbVariant is null.
Thrown when symbVariant is incompatible with this object. See IncorrectSymbolTypeException for details.
Thrown when the function cannot be created.
Thrown when given Page has PageType sets to ExternalDocument.
See Also